Rules For Posting and Commenting, and Communicating with Admins on Angeles City Expat Life

Submitted byian_expatsonline onWed, 06/05/2020 - 12:27

Here are the Guidelines For Posting and Commenting:


Any posts MUST be EITHER:

1) News DIRECTLY relevant to the Philippines, i.e. about something that is happening, has happened or will happen in the Philippines.

2) About your personal experience in the Philippines.

3) Asking for information or help with regard to the Philippines.

4) Introducing yourself to the Group

5) Selling a PERSONAL item

6) A business advert (IF AND ONLY IF YOU HAVE ATTENDED AN EVENT), once a month only.

6) Information that DIRECTLY affects members of the Group withing Angeles City and can be ACTED UPON, This EXPLICIT DOES NOT INCLUDE such things as political news items, disputes between countries, bashing of international organisations, and conspiracy theories, EVEN IF YOU THINK that they are of interest. 

Posts will be removed if::

1) The post is political in nature, including, but not limited to, disputes between countries, arguments between political parties, criticism of policies in another country, criticism of non-Filipino national or international organisations etc.

2) The post involves religion, is racist, sexist, homophobic, encourages violence, discusses or promotes any illegal activities, or contains any hate speech towards any section of the public.

3) The post contains nudity, or are regarded crude, disrespectful or distasteful

4) The post makes personal comments about any other member of the Group.

5) If the post contains a link to news outside of the Philippines, it MUST be rated High or above , For Factual Reporting on YouTube videos are regarded as having a LOW rating.

6) Posts that are deemed irrelevant to Angeles City or the Philippines

7) Posts that generically demean Filipino people as a whole.

8) Posts that break the law in the Philippines, such as fake news about COVID-19.

If you make a post that is deemed unsuitable, leading to its removal, you will be sent feedback as to what rules were violated. You may politely request clarification of the rules, but if you harass the admins with complaints you will be put on 'Ignore' and not replied to. Any further attempts at further harassment by e.g. creating 'Group Chats' to get will lead to instant removal from the Group.

In addition, comments will be removed if:

1) They insult another member of the Group directly.

2) Make personal comments about another person.

3) Give false information or statistics (e.g. giving statistics that are wrong or misleading) in order to support an argument. Here it is not the opinion that is the problem but the false information being used to support it. Freedom of speech is fine, but it also comes with obligations not to mislead. To avoid being called out for giving false information, Fact Check first and link to a legitimate source (see above). If you are not a medical expert don't try to act like one, you will soon be caught out.

4) Give information or advice that threatens the safety of others.

5) Encourages others to break the law in the Philippines.



This guide will be updated as and when necessary!